European Educational Association (EEA) was established in 2019 and is operating under the brand name IEK ALTO. Since then, we are certified by the Ministry of Education for providing educational services. Our certified center is located in Patra, and it is specially designed so that it serves every aspect of the educational process, while at the same time it is fully accessible.
Our vision is to be established as the first choice of every adult from Western Greece, who is interested in receiving a professional expertise. We focus on providing educational services characterized by quality and up-to-date knowledge, while at the same time we try to develop our trainees’ skills and competences, to assist them in their effort to join the labor market. Indefeasible part of our philosophy is to support the inclusion of all trainees, no matter their race, gender, sexuality, or ability.
To achieve this vision, we invest in trainers with high level professional and educational profiles. Our trainers are required to hold at least a bachelor’s degree according to the Ministry of Education; except specific cases of courses, where the trainer could be a certified expert. Our trainers work in accordance with the educational material, which is certified by the Ministry of Education. Keeping this framework, they have the freedom to work independently; they use their professional skills, with discretion and sensitivity while addressing the training issues. They help our trainees to develop a specific set of skills, to apply their knowledge safely, while at the same time they monitor their progress, by using effective communication skills.
We strongly invite our trainers to share our philosophy about student-centered training. We deal with every trainee individually, by focusing on their needs, abilities, and interests. Accordingly, the prominent pedagogy method we foster is the trainer-as-coach, who provokes trainees to ‘learn how to learn’ and thus to teach themselves. We encourage our trainees to take leadership in classroom, present their work, take ownership of their reading, writing, and learning to develop, test, and refine their thinking.
- Our areas of expertise are in the following fields of study:
- Economics & Business Administration
- Mass Media
- Pedagogical Studies
- Artistic Studies
- Tourism
- Gastronomy & Nutrition
- Cosmetics & Beauty
- Agricultural Occupations
- Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
- Security of Persons & Infrastructure
- Health
- Sports training
- Informatics & Graphic Design
To support the aforementioned fields of studies, we have a 1.500 sq.m. building with the following facilities:
- The professional Cooking – Confectionery – Bakery Cuisine that operates with full high-tech equipment matching the European standards.
- The Informatics & Graphic Design Laboratory, which operates as a multi-use space for lecturing, demonstrations, photo manipulation, vector-based art, design for web environments, and trainees team working meetings. These facilities allow students to become proficient in industry-standard equipment and software.
- The Cosmetics & Beauty Atelier, where we use nothing but the best industry products, tools, and equipment. We also have collaboration with famous industry brands, such as WELLA, KRYOLAN, ESSIE, YELLOW ROSE.
- The Nursery training room is a pleasant space that has been designed to fulfill the requirements of preschool education.
- The Physical Therapy & Nursing Lab, which is designed according to the EU standards. Our trainees can start their professional lives by taking the opportunity to apply planned treatment under the supervision of physical medicine and specialists or physiotherapists.
- The Pharmacy Assistants’ Laboratory, which is designed in a modular system, to facilitate trainee/instructor interaction while enhancing active learning and small-group discussion. The practical training, using this lab, provides valuable knowledge about the manufacturing of pharmaceutical preparations and help in training the students in drug formulations.
- The Laboratory of Mechatronics promotes comprehensive knowledge and skills in the design, construction, maintenance and repair of machines of all types: cars, motorcycles, marine vessels and commercial vehicles.
- The Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, with all the necessary equipment, where students handle the practical applications of the specialty and acquire knowledge of electrical, electronic and energy applications.
- The Laboratory of Pharmacy Assistants – Technician of Cosmetics & Similar Products, is a careful environment, with equipment, with material reagents and all the required precautions, where students experiment and create their own point of view in practice, in the field of Chemical applications.
- The Pedagogical Laboratory has been designed according to the requirements of preschool education. It is ready to host the creative constructions, musical instruments, puppetry, games, paintings and imaginations of the students who will choose the Nursery School.
- Our Library encourages curiosity, innovation and problem-solving. It is integral to the cultural and social life of our Association. The school library is a central point for all kinds of reading, cultural activities, access to information, knowledge building, deep thinking, and lively discussion.
A valuable ally on this journey is our Professional and Career Development Office (PCDO). Our goal is to provide trainees with opportunities to learn about varying career paths and help them develop the skills needed to be successful in all job markets. Our moto is “It is never too early or too late to start preparing for your future.”
More specifically, the PCDO aims to:
- Aid trainees identify their needs, goals, and preferences, as well as to explore, evolve and use their strengths.
- Provide the essential guidance and support to help the trainees take appropriate professional action.
- Provide trainees with all the available information about new job postings, new educational opportunities, and new prospects in the labor market.
- Formulate an environment where trainee-employer interactions are favored, through networking and internships.
- Enhance the employability of students and graduates.